Welcome to the George Spencer Art Department Blog!

Hello and welcome to the George Spencer Art Department blog!

The Art department are:

Mrs Eddy (Head of Art), Mrs Sidey, Miss Welsh & Miss Johnson...

... plus all of our Key Stage 3, GCSE & A level Art and Photography students!

Friday, 16 May 2014

Visible Progress

We found a canvas in the depths of the Art room, a fun colourful composition based upon the Year 9 topic 'Africa'

We soon realised it was painted by one of the current Year 13 A2 Art students, so it was a hoot to compare it to her now vastly improved, and developed, painting skills


 Alicia has applied to continue her education at University to study Interior Architecture.

Well done

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Year 8 Opie inspired portrait homework task

Here is a selection of the fantastic homework that Year 8 have been handing in. The Aim Higher task was to complete the homework using ICT skills rather than traditional methods.